Digge83 Arvidsjaur


27 december 2007

Hi! I've modified a universal kit I bought on ebay. I made adapterplates so I could hang them from the original hinges. And then I had to modify them some at the mounts for the door. (made it thinner..) U can see a little bit on this picture how they look when not monted on the car. There you can also see the adapterplates. http://s46.photobucket.com/albums/f150/ … ild745.jpg Please feel free to ask me more questions if you wonder about anything. :) /Fredrik

27 december 2007

what do you mien ?

26 december 2007


26 december 2007

nix, helt orginal =)

25 december 2007

Nice.. I really like the german style on BMW. If you look att my old BMW 330 http://www.garaget.org/mypage/gallery.p … mage=64925 With 17" x 10" Rims rear. That is real "German Style" I really like it. The rims are stickin out a bit from the body.

25 december 2007

thanks dude ;D

25 december 2007

för att de är jävligt mörkt i norrland på nätterna och om man pändlar 1,5 mil varje dag är de ganska bra..

23 december 2007

Tackar tackar

23 december 2007

Look here; http://www.hova.com/default.aspx /Björn

23 december 2007

Those where the cromed ones... i have the dark! Two different modells...

23 december 2007

The rearlights? http://www.garaget.org/?car=48208&image=611340 They cost 2000-3000 SEK in Sweden... 200-300 Euro´s?

23 december 2007

Oh sry. I wrote "oh, the german-style has come to Volvos now" :P The leather cover you hav eon the hood im talking about.

23 december 2007

Yes, it is Ikea... in Älmhult(Ikea´s hometown)

23 december 2007

Yes ;) Thats culture ;)

23 december 2007

Don´t know the cost. Check out Volvo. It´s original.

23 december 2007


22 december 2007

Yeah, it's nice :)

22 december 2007

wo hast du gelebt ? Ich freue mich dass ich deutsch schreiben kann

21 december 2007

Är man 46 år så är man "Daddy" själv. Har 2 söner, 18 + år.

17 december 2007

What do you have for auto, something that can match my speed???

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Medlem sedan: 16 december 2007
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