New car or not? 9 februari 2012, 15:08

So the 60k km passed on Gold X. During this 60k we were in different places – cold and hot, we were in different countries and saw different roads. I always had a border in my head for any car – 100k km. I thought that 100 – it is the death and you should get rid of the corpse. And I have an example – G55AMG – 302 091 USD

This car's run is approximately 85k km. And yes I did have real pleasure for all of this 85k but after I got sick of this car. I sold it by market price for 124 608 USD and this only after 2 years. Seems like i've lost 177 483 USD!!! And this is despite of constant money wasting on stocks and supplies during these two years. Conclusion? GTFO I will not sell the X. Why? Well the maths is still the same – I bought for 226k USD now I can sell it for only 135k USD as maximum.

Thoughts are rolling and I understand that I will not sell it. But I need to buy 760 new body, and may be racing M5 or something like that.

Let's take a look what this car have had during those 60k km:
1. 45k km – total brakes reinstallation
2. The heater not worked but had been repaired for 5 mins
3. Was a bug with parktronic on rear bumper
4. Image on the windshield not worked sometimes
And that's all. Other troubles was related with tuning so I don't put them in that list.
Well perfect brakes front and rear – total cost: 1,5K USD
Gasoline, well, consumes as horse after the tuning. The full tank with full speed is only enough for 33-37 kms, in regular for 150 kms.
And once I broke the trunk mechanism, or it wasn't me? :) Anyway was covered by guarantee.

Well, seems like it is all what happened to this car during this 60k. I think the car holds in appropriate way even though it has such a dickhead on the wheel :) And the main thing – I got sick of Mercedes but with BMW I'm ready to live for more 200 years just without any breakdowns :) Good luck on roads.

What you guys think? Should i:

[1] Sell it, add some more money and take something else.
[2] Leave it, too much money waste, don't think that any breakdowns will be equal to that waste

Sågs senast: 2012-03-19 20:34
Medlem sedan: 9 februari 2012
Foruminlägg: 0
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