Jari_SCG Finland


19 november 2009

Tanks.. and your car kicks asss! Very Nice!

17 november 2009

tackar !

17 november 2009


14 november 2009

Thx, white is the shit :)

14 november 2009

And a always knew that it looked good on that car, with Dalbäcks car in mind.. And your car is one of those who made it looked really good with wide body.. It´s true, i like it when its clean, and i belive i have managed to do what i wanted it to be..

14 november 2009

so a having a bigger turbo made the biggest difference and then mapping it with a different tuning also.

14 november 2009

that i a lot of difference from the original engine specification. can the engine with stand all that force today being a diesel engine?

13 november 2009

Tackar.. Glöm inte att rösta bara ;)

7 november 2009

i know ;) i've been driving motocross for 11 years now (!!) :)

6 november 2009

how many diesel hp do you have and how much nw in ur diesel r32? do u have that diesel engie which is 150 orginal in hp?

6 november 2009

Thanks :) and it's german car too :P

6 november 2009

Thank you! Like your car also :D

5 november 2009

well it is almost. rear barely anybody has sat in. a woman baught it new n kept it for 14years in super mint condition only driving it in summers.then she died and her duaghter sold it, im 4th owner. 90000km only gone so far. the inside carpet rear seat n pretty muc the whole interior looks like it just came off the factory line so the pictures are not bull shit.

3 november 2009

thanx man,,:)

2 november 2009

okei... siitä rx.7:sta olen lukenut... mä oon kesäduunis siinä paikassa missä ne painaa mm TUNING.fi ja Klassikot lehdet... :P Onko muuten bug run 2010 tähtäimessä? :)

1 november 2009

just just... :) mä tykkään kans paljon enemmän tommosista hillitysti rakennetuista autoista! menee vaan överiksi ja autosta tulee ufo jos yrittää liikaa... kyllä mä ihmettelisin kans jos ei tolla sun autolla natsas silloin tällöin joku pytty! ;) mistä kategoriasta muuten toi tamperepalkinto tuli?

31 oktober 2009

Ei vielä!! :)

31 oktober 2009

Kiitoksia :)

30 oktober 2009

But ofcourse :)

28 oktober 2009

Okey. Yeah i like the mk4 too :)

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