Test: Vad är du?

Wikstromm Ett riktigt sprut de enda rätta
21 september 2008 · 2 252 Inlägg

ett litet test big_smile 


mitt resultat: You are a Talent! lol

You're a risk-taker, and you follow your passions. You're determined to take on the world and succeed on your own terms. Whether in the arts, science, engineering, business, or politics, you fearlessly express your own vision of the world. You're not afraid of a fight, and you're not afraid to bet your future on your own abilities. If you find a job boring or stifling, you're already preparing your resume. You believe in doing what you love, and you're not willing to settle for an ordinary life.
Your scores:
Talent: 72%
Lifer: 41%
Mandarin: 36%

Haha big_smile

You don't get another chance, Life ain't a nintendo -
21 september 2008 · 32 Inlägg

You're an intellectual, and you've worked hard to get where you are now. You're a strong believer in education, and you think many of the world's problems could be solved if people were more informed and more rational. You have no tolerance for sloppy or lazy thinking. It frustrates you when people who are ignorant or dishonest rise to positions of power. You believe that people can make a difference in the world, and you're determined to try.

Your scores:

Talent: 51%
Lifer: 41%
Mandarin: 62%

te_wik Forummoderator
21 september 2008 · 12 813 Inlägg

The_Mechanic skrev:
ett litet test big_smile 


mitt resultat: You are a Talent! lol

You're a risk-taker, and you follow your passions. You're determined to take on the world and succeed on your own terms. Whether in the arts, science, engineering, business, or politics, you fearlessly express your own vision of the world. You're not afraid of a fight, and you're not afraid to bet your future on your own abilities. If you find a job boring or stifling, you're already preparing your resume. You believe in doing what you love, and you're not willing to settle for an ordinary life.
Your scores:
Talent: 72%
Lifer: 41%
Mandarin: 36%

Haha big_smile

här med;
Here are the results so far:

Talents: 504329 (50%)
Lifers: 338013 (34%)
Mandarins: 163970 (16%)

Ställ inte cykeln utanför stället, ställ den i stället istället.
Projekttråden - Handlar om en gammel Audi 100 2.3E och en Audi 100 Tqs. Typ44, det är kärlek det!
Audi 100 2.3E "Das Mutterschiff" (1988)
21 september 2008 · 1 353 Inlägg

You are a Talent!

You're a risk-taker, and you follow your passions. You're determined to take on the world and succeed on your own terms. Whether in the arts, science, engineering, business, or politics, you fearlessly express your own vision of the world. You're not afraid of a fight, and you're not afraid to bet your future on your own abilities. If you find a job boring or stifling, you're already preparing your resume. You believe in doing what you love, and you're not willing to settle for an ordinary life.

Your scores:

Talent: 64%
Lifer: 49%
Mandarin: 28%

There's no replacement for displacement
BMW 528iAT (1998)
21 september 2008 · 5 089 Inlägg

You're a risk-taker, and you follow your passions. You're determined to take on the world and succeed on your own terms. Whether in the arts, science, engineering, business, or politics, you fearlessly express your own vision of the world. You're not afraid of a fight, and you're not afraid to bet your future on your own abilities. If you find a job boring or stifling, you're already preparing your resume. You believe in doing what you love, and you're not willing to settle for an ordinary life.

Your scores:

Talent: 67%
Lifer: 44%
Mandarin: 36%

Volvo Xc70 "3.2L" (2008)
Toyota Cressida Rx30 "Westcoast Motorsport" (1979)
Volvo S70 "Autotech Motorsport" (1999)
Wikstromm Ett riktigt sprut de enda rätta
21 september 2008 · 2 252 Inlägg

haha alla is tha talents big_smile cool

You don't get another chance, Life ain't a nintendo -
twin_cam Smålänning
21 september 2008 · 7 877 Inlägg


Your a talent!

You're a risk-taker, and you follow your passions. You're determined to take on the world and succeed on your own terms. Whether in the arts, science, engineering, business, or politics, you fearlessly express your own vision of the world. You're not afraid of a fight, and you're not afraid to bet your future on your own abilities. If you find a job boring or stifling, you're already preparing your resume. You believe in doing what you love, and you're not willing to settle for an ordinary life.

Talent: 69%
Lifer: 33%
Mandarin: 46%

En expert är en person som gjort alla misstag som är möjliga att göra inom ett begränsat område!
Du kan ta smålänningen ur Småland, men du kan aldrig ta Småland ur smålänningen!
21 september 2008 · 262 Inlägg

twin_cam skrev:

Your a talent!

You're a risk-taker, and you follow your passions. You're determined to take on the world and succeed on your own terms. Whether in the arts, science, engineering, business, or politics, you fearlessly express your own vision of the world. You're not afraid of a fight, and you're not afraid to bet your future on your own abilities. If you find a job boring or stifling, you're already preparing your resume. You believe in doing what you love, and you're not willing to settle for an ordinary life.

Talent: 69%
Lifer: 33%
Mandarin: 46%

Jag hade

Talent: 68%
Lifer: 34%
Mandarin: 44%

22 september 2008 · 3 354 Inlägg

Talent: 54%
Lifer: 46%
Mandarin: 41%

Diplomati är konsten att be någon dra åt helvete på ett sådant sätt att han ser fram emot resan
Att inneha körkort betyder inte att man kan köra... det betyder bara att man just vid ett enda tillfälle körde någorlunda bra
Skoda Fabia 1.6 TDI "Lätt optimerad" (2014)
christofer_k Vorsprung durch Technik
22 september 2008 · 2 432 Inlägg

You are a Lifer!

To you, a job is what pays the bills. You put in your hours, follow the rules, and then go home. Occasionally, you consider quitting, but then you think of how bad the job market is and you reconsider. Whatever happiness you get, you get from your life outside the workplace. Relationships, family, hobbies, and outside creative pursuits are what really matter to you. You're probably taking this test at work because you don't have anything better to do.

Your scores:

Talent: 51%
Lifer: 56%
Mandarin: 44%

Precis som Jag är  smile man tar de som de kmr

Senast redigerat av christofer_k (22 september 2008)

22 september 2008 · 9 020 Inlägg

You are a Lifer!

Talent: 51%
Lifer: 59%
Mandarin: 28%

To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.
/William Shakespeare, Hamlet.
A wise man once told me that death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back.
Russel Crowe, Gladiator.
22 september 2008 · 1 585 Inlägg

You are a Talent!

Talent: 56%
Lifer: 46%
Mandarin: 49%

Malmoe SSS -12
22 september 2008 · 3 217 Inlägg

To you, a job is what pays the bills. You put in your hours, follow the rules, and then go home. Occasionally, you consider quitting, but then you think of how bad the job market is and you reconsider. Whatever happiness you get, you get from your life outside the workplace. Relationships, family, hobbies, and outside creative pursuits are what really matter to you. You're probably taking this test at work because you don't have anything better to do.

Your scores:

Talent: 46%
Lifer: 56%
Mandarin: 38%

Jag snortar inte kola, jag röker inte på... Är man redan dum i huvet, är det fel väg att gå! - Sabotage, Epilog, Här och nu
Suzuki Swift Sport "ZC32S" (2012)
alex_side Neerd
22 september 2008 · 1 596 Inlägg

you, a job is what pays the bills. You put in your hours, follow the rules, and then go home. Occasionally, you consider quitting, but then you think of how bad the job market is and you reconsider. Whatever happiness you get, you get from your life outside the workplace. Relationships, family, hobbies, and outside creative pursuits are what really matter to you. You're probably taking this test at work because you don't have anything better to do.

Teori är när man vet allt men inget går som det ska
Praktik är när allting funkar bra men ingen vet varför
I mitt liv förenas teori o praktik inget är som det ska och ingen vet varför...
22 september 2008 · 49 Inlägg

stämde nog in ganska bra. LIFER!

You are a Lifer!

To you, a job is what pays the bills. You put in your hours, follow the rules, and then go home. Occasionally, you consider quitting, but then you think of how bad the job market is and you reconsider. Whatever happiness you get, you get from your life outside the workplace. Relationships, family, hobbies, and outside creative pursuits are what really matter to you. You're probably taking this test at work because you don't have anything better to do.

Your scores:

Talent: 49%
Lifer: 54%
Mandarin: 33%

BTW? vad menas med mandarin ?

Senast redigerat av p0wni (22 september 2008)

- "Ställ dig sist i kön för helvete"
- "Jag stod där nyss, men det var så jävla tråkigt"
NxV ElectroRaggare
22 september 2008 · 885 Inlägg

"You're probably taking this test at work because you don't have anything better to do."

Så jävla rätt! big_smile muahah

Chevrolet Tahoe -99 4x4 på M/T 33x13,5X20 däck
Dodge M880 -77 Blivande skogskung!
Volkswagen Arteon "GT-R" (2018)
Chevrolet Tahoe LT "NxV" (1999)
LocKtar Herr
22 september 2008 · 1 722 Inlägg


There's no need to fear, UNDERDOG is here!
TenZer N.O.S Cruisers Stockholm
22 september 2008 · 3 404 Inlägg

Totalt meningslöst men kul och man blir alltid lika förvånad över svaret...
Talent: 64%
Lifer: 46%
Mandarin: 31%

Rock'n Roll
Volvo 945 GL "Skåpet" (1993)
Saab 9000cs 2.3 16 Turbo "Jakt Attack Spaning" (1992)
NxV ElectroRaggare
22 september 2008 · 885 Inlägg

vad menar de med mandarin...?

Chevrolet Tahoe -99 4x4 på M/T 33x13,5X20 däck
Dodge M880 -77 Blivande skogskung!
Volkswagen Arteon "GT-R" (2018)
Chevrolet Tahoe LT "NxV" (1999)
alexbenhard Hemlig Agent
22 september 2008 · 1 115 Inlägg

Talent: 38%
Lifer: 59%
Mandarin: 36%

Stämmer väl ganska bra.
Undrar också vad som menas med mandarin???

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